Lift Update

Max has been in regular contact with the lift company who will be delivering and installing the internal lift at the Sub Branch. This project has also been hampered by delays, as is the case with much in construction and building these days.  Finally, things are on the move, and we will also see this project at completion in the near future.  Max and Phil have been working on foundation preparations of the Lift space in readiness. Some strenuous effort was put in by a team of volunteers to get it ready for a concrete slab which was done last weekend. 

Thanks to everyone who pitched in and got the job done.

The project will enable us to make use of the space upstairs. This Sub Branch will have a dedicated place for Veterans and family needs and services. We have sought input for layout and use of the area from current members and Veterans, those ideas will be utilised where possible, space permitting. Sincere thanks to those who have taken the time to offer ideas and comments, especially Alex Dustan who has been enthusiastic with ideas from the get-go.   This area will not only meet current needs but be fit for purpose far beyond now for the needs of more recent and newer ADF service persons and families.  There will be space for Veteran Services for individual needs incorporated in the redesigned area.