Max Harris Reserve Updates

Members will have noticed that our partnership with Council has been beneficial in preserving the Max Harris Memorial Reserve area from too much Bike traffic, that may come from users of the Pump Park on the west of the Memorial. We are keen to maintain the memorial as a quiet reflective area to be respected. Planning with Council has ensured that this will be the case. Bollards and paths already well on the way to completion is helping to slow traffic considerably.

Bollards at Max Harris Reserve

The Memorial Reserve is currently being prepared for another commemorative wall, which will acknowledge service in conflicts beyond WW2 and Peacekeeping efforts of the ADF. This project was started prior to COVID, and it has been pleasing to see it begin to come fruition and hopefully completion in the near future. In addition, there will be a level standing area at the flagpoles. This will assist greatly when raising and lowering flags during commemorative events, especially when students are involved.

(Photos:  L- R G T Council team pouring concrete for path and new all placements. RSL President and Vice President, Max Griffiths and Phil Evans watching proceedings).

Some Plaques, to be placed on this new wall, have been selected through the identification of service from local Veterans, listed on the Honour Board, currently hanging in the War Memorial Hall foyer.